Free your body from limitations and pain


Daytona Rolfing®

Rolfing® Structural Integration is a form of bodywork that reorganizes the connective tissues, called fascia, that permeate the entire body.


Systematically balance and optimize both the structure and function of the entire body over the course of the ten Rolfing sessions.


The hallmark of Rolfing Structural Integration is the Ten Series, created by Dr. Ida P. Rolf over 50 years ago. The goal of the Ten Series is to systematically balance and optimize both the structure and function of the entire body over the course of the ten Rolfing sessions.


Each session has a specific goal and region of the body to cover. If one area of the body is out of alignment or stressed, this stress is communicated through the rest of the body. If a hip is out of alignment, the rest of the body must adjust to compensate for the misalignment.


Treating the body as a whole will bring more profound and longer lasting changes


Treating just a particular symptom may bring some temporary relief; however, treating the body as a whole will bring more profound and longer lasting changes. This means not just working “where it hurts” but also identifying other areas of the body that contribute to misalignment. Since no two bodies are alike, the 10-Series is different for each person. However, it always embodies the core principles for releasing the body’s structure as taught by Dr. Rolf and practiced only by Certified Rolfers™.

Essentially, it is one session divided into 10 parts with each session building upon the results of the last.


In each Rolfing session the client’s postural alignment and movement patterns are examined, goals are discussed, and manipulation of the connective tissue structure completed, returning the body to a more fluid, graceful state of being.

The client may be asked to breathe into the area being worked and/or to make synchronized movements. The combination of applied pressure and synchronized response engages the nervous system and frees and repositions the connective tissue and aligns the body’s segments.


Learn more about the Ten Series


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